Friday, 8 July 2011

Friday Outfit of the Week: stolen love

  1.  Necklace -River Island
  2. Panda Ring - Accessorize
  3. Leaf Ring - Primark
  4. Shorts - Asos
  5. Top - No idea, couldn't read the lable..sorry

As you can see I'm going to start doing my Friday Outfit of the Week, it's so that my blog has some substance and is a tad more interesting. This week is stolen  love, and if you know me this will make sense, because I steal most of my friends clothes. I am actually wearing someone's boots in these too, but the lighting was so awful that they just looked stupid. 
Also apologies for the last picture, it was a spur of the moment thing and I thought it was quite fun. So yeah tell me what you think of the outfit etc :)
OH and one last thing! I'm going to wagamamas tonight and am super super super excited!

Polly xo

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Open House

  1. Necklace - Avon £5
  2. Far Away Perfume - Avon £6
So this is my first 'haul' post. I get a load of avon stuff through the post all the time and I just love all the stuff they sell. It's such good quality and pretty cheap considering. I am a little bit annoyed about my order though, because me being really stupid managed to order the wrong perfume. I usually get the one that's the same bottle but its a pink and black top and smells kind of flowery and subtle. However this one is really strong, even though it's really nice. It smells of like mango and soap which I guess is nice but can be a bit overpowering. 
I havve to apologise for the quality of the second to last photo and some of the others, since this is my first time doing this I didn't really know where to do it and the lighting was absolute crap. Oh well, luckily you can still see the deatil on my new necklace which is lovely! And it opens, which I didn't know at first and it ended up really exciting me!
I've just realised this is really long aha, hope you like the stuff :)

Polly xo.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

our smallest adventures

  1. Top - Primark £4
  2. Shorts - Topshop £36
  3. Belt - H&M - £3
  4. Tights - Primark - £2
  5. Crimper - Babyliss (oh yes!) £20
Heya, me again. These photos are really old and were taken before I got my camera fixed, which is why the quality is really bad. I've been really wanting to do a load of posts of some stuff that I've recently bought but I can't because a friend has my camera right now.
Anyway, these photos were done when I hadn't lost the belt, and now for some reason I can't find it and without it the shorts look really big, and they're my favourite shorts ever. Hum, well I'm selling them for £20, so if anyone wants them they can have them, just get in conact with me
Seeing as this is my first ever 'fasion post' it isn't that amazing, but I hope its ok :)

Polly xo. 

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Ages ago I went to Bournemouth with a load of friends because the weather had just begun to be nice (before it got worse again)and it was a lovely day, with not too many people on the beach. We all took a little bit of alcohol and got a bit tipsy, which is y'know always the best. 
I massively want to back again with friends, but I know that people have been planning a trip which unfourtunately I haven't been invited to. Oh well, even planning on facebook as always will probably commence soon!

Polly xo.


About a year ago a friend of mine decided to start like a jewellry company, and to be honest I don't even know if its still running. But he asked me to do the photos and I was always pretty proud of them even though the stuff isn't necessarily that great :)

Polly xo.

Sunday, 3 July 2011


Heya, this is my first kind of real post on blogger and I have a total of 1 follower (woo go me!) so i thought I would do it about something that has happened in my life recently. Which you can probably tell is prom. The two adults in the pictures are my mum and dad. It was really special that my dad could be here because he used to live in the USA and he made the proper effort to be there which was so lovely. My prom date was a friend of mine called Seb and he's gay, so basically the ideal prom date, he was so lovely and as you can see from the first picture with him, he bought me a beautiful corsarge! The other picture is of me and a friend of mine, who throughout secondary school has been there for me even though its been rocky. In my opinion I thought she was the most beautiful girl there that night and looked breathtaking.
The night was so good, we got free alcohol and even though our parents and teachers were there it was absolutely hilarious because we got to see all of them wasted. I feel as if I've written a little bit too much now, but hey!

Polly xo.